'Unique Change' is a provider of one of our oldest healing arts, massage.

We excel in the Eastern styles of massage: Thai Yoga massage and Indian Head massage.

Use the links across the top of this section to learn about how massage and bodywork can help you.

Indian Head Massage:

Indian Head Massage: The Treatment

Indian head massage is a most soothing and relaxing treatment. It relieves pressure and soothes away tension, balances the body and allows us to breathe, stand and move more easily.

It is based on traditional Indian techniques, using various massage movements. Tension and joint mobility can be improved as can blood and lymphatic circulation.

A full treatment takes 30 minutes and can be carried out with the client fully clothed in an ordinary chair. It covers the upper back area, the shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp and face. When the full routine is carried out with oils, there is additional benefit to the condition of the scalp and hair.

In this stressful world, our chakras become blocked, we tend to 'live in our heads' and build up excess energy and tension which has no escape route. This can easily lead to migraine, headaches, eye strain, blemishes and tension lines, particularly to the face.

This treatment aims to balance the chakras, allowing the client to cope with the every-day stresses and strains of a busy life and, therefore, feel more relaxed and energised.